Friday, June 12, 2009


Hey, mellow friends, I'm extremely political and can write for days about politics (and have), so I apologize for not having posted anything here for awhile. In addition, I've been working on a another website. Come and visit Clevelands Place of Dreams and Truth . I think you'll enjoy; and there are some great free benefits and free resources for Cleveland and Ohio consumers.
Hope you guys are feeling great. You just gotta love these summer months because of that whole "light affects your mood" thing.

In a few days, I'm going to post something on one of my favorite topics ... colors. I'm going to talk about colors and how they affect our mood. I did say that right ... mood and not moods? Anyway, that's what I'm going to do. Again, give me a couple of days ... Okay?

Until then, kick back and play with some gadgets on the site or listen to some really great soothing sounds. The free meditation session player is at the bottom of the page, and the music players are on the left and at the bottom of the page. Oh yeah, ... and don't forget the videos that are all over this blog.
See you guys later!